is a vibrant contemporary visual arts organisation based in The Hague, committed to the exploration and celebration of artistic publishing as an inclusive and transformative medium. We organise events, exhibitions, workshops, and commissions, to present what artists do with/to publishing. Page Not Found endorses the Culture Governance Code, the Fair Practice Code and the Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Code. In particular, Page Not Found strives to offer equal opportunities and access to all candidates regardless of their race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a minority, birth, disability, age, sexual identity or any other characteristic.
Page Not Found is committed to attracting talent from diverse backgrounds. We strive to increase the diversity of our team so we are representative of the communities we serve. In the event of equal suitability, we prefer a candidate who is complementary to the composition of our team.
There are currently 3 vacancies:
If you have any question about vacancies, please send us an email to hr (at) page-not-found (dot) nl.